
moong daal sheero

This sheero is coarse textured and simply indulgent. It takes quite a bit of patience and constant stirring. A good arm workout that is rightly rewarded in the end! This is my fia’s (aunt’s) recipe and all my family members can attest that she used to make the best moong daal sheero!

½ cup split yellow moong daal -soak overnight. blitz coarsely ensuring that all the daal is blitz. 
½ + ⅛ cup ghee
1 cup milk
10-15 strands saffron
⅓ cup sugar

  1. Soak moong daal overnight. Drain and transfer to a food processor. Blitz coarsely scraping occasionally.

  2. Next, melt ghee on low flame. Once hot, add the daal. Stir constantly for the first 10 minutes. It is normal for some of it to stick to the bottom of pot, just keep scraping and mixing. After the first 10 minutes, you will notice that it doesn’t really stick as much. This is when you can stir every 1 to 2 minutes.

  3. At around the 20 minute mark, the daal will turn a deep golden color (as pictured). This is when you add the milk. Be careful because it will sizzle. Continue to stir constantly and add the saffron. Once most of the milk evaporates (as pictured), add the sugar and stir constantly. You will know when it’s done when some ghee is released. Refer to the video for the texture and color. Lastly, mix in the nuts and serve warm.