No need to feel guilty, enjoy another slice!

I am 100% part of a food obsessed family. Often, dinner table conversations revolve around next day’s lunch ideas followed by reminiscing about a particular dish we enjoyed at some restaurant. Everything is always made at home – nothing canned or processed or bottled. No short cuts.

This effort was pioneered by my dad who leads the healthiest lifestyle. Would you believe me if I told you that he stopped eating sugar and fried food in 1987? No? Well he did! So how do you satisfy someone’s cravings who has a wild sweet tooth and a chocolate obsession but does not eat sugar? I decided to help that craving by doing what any loving daughter would do; I developed a Chocolate Cake recipe from scratch with the healthiest possible ingredients you can imagine. 

Through weekly experiments, my dad’s encouragement and my family devouring even the bad tests, I unlocked the perfect recipe for this guilt-free treat. I start with almond flour as the replacement for all-purpose flour. For whatever reason, butter-based cakes have never turned out well for me. So, for this cake, I stick to olive oil and yogurt. And the rest is just a bunch of fractions and tweaks… 

For me, food truly equals family. 


be(an) happy